Beyond Binary: When Choosing Sides Isn’t an Option

If we cannot rise above our legacy cultural and biological programming, we’re doomed. The challenge is real. Success will require us to bravely explore every topic, ask any question, and gore many a sacred cow. Welcome to this podcast.

I need you to pick a side – quick! – are you a flat earther or are you a terrorist?

Too often today we are asked to “choose a flag” or “pick a side” as if we lived in a simplistic binary world and we were obligated to instantly identify and align with one side or the other.

Are you pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine? Are you pro-Ukraine or a Putin lover? Are you with Isreal or Hamas?

Bret Weinstein and I delve into the intricacies of recent global events that have left so many unnerved and sometimes intellectually or morally homeless. It turns out the binary choice is a false dichotomy. There are nuances and subtleties that matter, and more often than not there’s a third option that makes more sense.