Cause Unknown: What Explains Excess Death Among the Healthy? – Part 1 with Ed Dowd

Ed Dowd answers the question, “Have the mysterious deaths in the youngest and healthiest people slowed down here in 2023?”

You asked and I finally delivered an interview with Ed Dowd, the former Blackrock portfolio manager and author of Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022.

In Part I we discuss this phenomenon, why it’s such an obvious thing that’s being studiously ignored by our “society” and what the implications are going forward. Ed Dowd, of course, is a special guest for the upcoming can’t-miss event of the year, our live (but also recorded) webinar exploring the power elites by stepping into their shoes and steelmanning their arguments. You can obtain tickets here.

In Part II (for subscribers at this stage, as always), we delve into his financial experience to explore the mysterious actions of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve. Ed can really connect the dots like very few others across the many dimensions of our current predicaments.