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  • Consumer Foreclosures, Bankruptcies, Delinquencies, and Collections: Checking On the Hangover of Our Drunken Sailors

Consumer Foreclosures, Bankruptcies, Delinquencies, and Collections: Checking On the Hangover of Our Drunken Sailors

by Wolf Richter Wolf Street

Not much of a hangover yet. Going to see more of these frying-pan charts

Our Drunken Sailors have been out there spending money, and some of it comes from their surging income that has been outrunning inflation finally this year, and they’re spending money from their investment gains and from surging interest income from CDs, money market funds, Treasury bills, and savings accounts. And some are spending money they’ve borrowed. And our Drunken Sailors have borrowed heavily in recent years to buy homes at fabulous prices. So now it’s time to check in on them, to see how their credit is holding up under these conditions.