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  • Democrat Rep Listed as ‘Co-Chair’ of Yet Another Nonprofit With Ties to Chinese Communist Party

Democrat Rep Listed as ‘Co-Chair’ of Yet Another Nonprofit With Ties to Chinese Communist Party

by Philip Lenczycki DailyCaller.com

California Democratic Rep. Judy Chu is listed as the “co-chair” of an organization that includes several members with ties to alleged Chinese Communist Party (CCP) overseas influence operations, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found.

In 2014, Chu, who the DCNF previously discovered was listed as a member of two other nonprofits with apparent ties to Chinese intelligence, joined the “International Federation of Chamber of Commerce [sic]” (IFCC), an organization that shares a website and personnel with the California-based 501(c)(6) nonprofit U.S.-Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (UCCC), according to UCCC’s website and images from IFCC’s launch. Chu is currently listed as “co-chair” on UCCC’s website. By its own admission, UCCC and IFCC have cooperated with Chinese government agencies and CCP bureaus that the U.S. government has identified as influence operations, and since 2014, at least six of their leaders have variously served as members of the CCP, the Chinese government and/or alleged Chinese intelligence front groups.