Fearmongering Won’t Solve Climate Change

Global warming is an issue. But there are other pressing problems that deserve the world’s attention.

by John Stossel Reason.com

For my new video, I asked people on the street, “If you could spend $30 billion trying to solve the world’s problems, how would you spend it?”

“Build houses…address homelessness,” said a few. “Spend on health care,” “redistribution.” The most common answer was “fight climate change.”

Really? Climate change is the world’s most important problem?

“It’s not surprising if you live in the rich world,” says Bjorn Lomborg, president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center.

Lomborg has spent the last 20 years consulting with experts from the United Nations (U.N.), nongovernmental organizations, and 60 teams of economists, seeking consensus on how to address the world’s biggest problems.