Future Headline: “Boost Your Social Credit Score for Smooth Summer Travel”

by Simon Black Sovereign Man

In a world full of unimaginable absurdity, we spend a lot of time thinking about the future… and to where all of this insanity leads.

“Future Headline Friday” is our satirical take of where the world is going if it remains on its current path. While our satire may be humorous and exaggerated, rest assured that everything we write is based on actual events, news stories, personalities, and pending legislation.

“Five Ways to Boost Your Social Credit Score for Smooth Summer Travel”

June 23, 2030

It’s been two years since the US government instituted social credit scores from 0-100 for all citizens and legal residents.

And while at first the scores were purely symbolic, maintaining a good score quickly became mandatory to collect Social Security, renew your passport, receive your tax refund, and more.