Gold Demand Explodes While Dollar Implodes – Bill Holter

by Greg Hunter USA Watchdog

Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter is back updating us on the gold demand explosion and the U.S. dollar implosion. Holter, who is a precious metals broker from Miles Franklin, has a front row seat to the big jump in demand and prices. Holter says, “We’ve been jammed since the first of the year, but we have been absolutely jammed since the SVB bank announcement. What is interesting is we are getting more calls, but for the most part, bigger money. We are taking multi-million-dollar orders on a daily basis now. This is different than a few years ago. . . . What is going to happen is demand is going to outstrip supply. The supply will be wiped out. . . . Ultimately, COMEX and LBMA are going to fail to deliver, and then you will see an absolute moonshot in gold and silver.”

Holter also says the buying power of the dollar is declining before our eyes and explains, “A little over 15 months now, M2 money supply has contracted by about 5%. This is the first time since the 1930’s where money supply actually contracted. How is it the dollar is dropping in value versus other fiat currencies?