How Much Longer Can Western Governments Spit On Their People?

by J.B. Shurk American Thinker

Labor strikes and fiery riots dominate French news after King Macron’s imperial decision to raise the nation’s retirement age without any vote from parliament. In reaction to spiraling inflation, German transportation workers shut down the country on Monday in one of the largest European walkouts in decades. In the Netherlands, a new anti-globalist, pro-farmer political party fighting back against the World Economic Forum’s climate change–obsessed “Great Reset” agenda just dominated Dutch elections. In “defiance of establishment elites,” Italians chose Giorgia Meloni to free the nation from subjugation to Brussels and “defend God, country, and family.” And as left-wing protesters in Israel threaten civil war, Prime Minister Netanyahu has been forced to temporarily suspend his efforts to reform the nation’s powerful Judiciary, which operates largely free from competing checks and balances. Clearly, revolution is in the air.