Russia: Oh, You Wanted War?

by Karl Denninger

Tough to verify this one, but allegedly Medvedev said:

“World and our own experience shows that it is impossible to fight terrorists with international sanctions, intimidation or exhortations.They only understand the language of power.Only personal and completely inhumane methods.

Therefore, it is necessary to blow up their own houses and the houses of their relatives. Look for and eliminate their accomplices, abandoning the insipid idea of a trial against them. But the main thing is to destroy the top leadership of terrorist formations, in whatever cracks these insects hide.

It’s difficult, but possible.”

There is one thing I can tell you with certainty: The first casualty of war is always truth, and propaganda is always one of the primary weapons in any armed conflict.

Therefore I have no idea if (1) he really said this or (2) if he really means it.