Showpiece of Democrats’ Insurrection Show Trials Suddenly Released From Prison

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Jacob Chansley, labeled “Q-Anon Shaman” by the presstitutes, was released from prison after Tucker Carlson showed videos that revealed no insurrection but Chansley being shown around inside the capital by police officers. Prosecutors, of course, never admit that they framed anyone, so they say the proof of his innocence, which they withheld from Chansley’s attorneys at the trial, was not the reason for his release. The whore media, of course, repeats the official line that Chansley’s release is unrelated to his innocence. The only function of the American media is to support the official lies.

However, Chansley’s attorney is unsatisfied with just Chansley’s release and is filing a motion to vacate Chansley’s conviction. Chansley’s attorney has informed the Justice (sic) Department that the video evidence contradicts the prosecutor’s case–essentially lies to the judge and jury, and is “materially exculpatory” removing Chansley from charges. We have here a clear case of prosecutorial misconduct. It is the dishonest prosecutor serving a political agenda instead of justice who should be indicted and sent to prison.