The Covid Pandemic: A Case Study of Money Trumping Integrity

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

During the so-called “Covid Pandemic,” which today looks to have been an orchestration to serve profit and other agendas, medical doctors were prohibited from prescribing Ivermectin, a drug approved for human use in 1966 by the FDA. Tony Fauci at NIH, the CDC, the FDA, and the presstitutes all came out against Ivermectin. Big Pharma’s “health officials” and ignorant presstitutes made jokes about Ivermectin, which has been used safely all over the world for more than a half century, calling it “horse medicine” unsafe and potentially deadly for human consumption. Here is an example of what the Big Pharma owned FDA said: “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

Doctors in corporate employment who prescribed Ivermectin were warned by their employers, and if they persisted in saving patients instead of Big Pharma’s profits they were fired.