The Gift of Sound Money

by Craig Hemke Sprott Money

Maybe this year it’s time to dispense with the toys, clothes, and gift cards? With the ever-expanding debt and deficits of the West, maybe it’s time instead to give the gift of education and sound money?

Let’s start this post with a quote:

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X

Wow! In general, that quote has never been more true than it is here in late 2023. However, for the purpose of this post, we should apply that quote to economic history too. For most on your holiday gift list, the idea of “money” begins and ends with some form of government issued or endorsed script. Canadian dollars, U.S. dollars, euros, yen…they’re all the same. They’re issued without backing or collateral and, as such, are being devalued toward zero with each passing year.