The Mystery of UFOs/UAPs: Solved

by Charles Hugh Smith Of Two Minds

Imagine the immensity of their disappointment in discovering Earth offers few opportunities for trade or investment.

New research has finally solved the mystery of why UFOs/UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) have been visiting Earth since the late 1940s. The revelations are even more shocking than we imagined.

As many have surmised, our neighbors detected our nuclear explosions in 1945 and took this as evidence that Earthlings had become, well, of interest.

It turns out our galactic neighbors were bamboozled into a Ponzi scheme involving Planet Earth. Yes, this is the shocker: our technologically advanced neighbors are just as greedy and prone to being conned as we are. (This also suggests their ChatAIv4000 isn’t all that infallible, either.)