The Real Scandal in Washington is the Government’s Reckless Spending

Those sounding the loudest alarms about possible shutdowns are largely silent when Congress ignores its own budgetary rules. All that seems to matter is that government is metaphorically funded.

by Veronique de Rugy

You’ve undoubtedly noticed how up in arms everyone becomes when the government is on the verge of shutting down. I’ve also noticed that the people who most loudly express their horror at the notion of a partial government closure seem totally comfortable with the fiscal wall we are barreling into. That wall is being built, brick by brick, by two political parties that are unwilling to end Washington’s spending debauchery.

This isn’t to deny that some people would have been hurt by the recently averted shutdown (which, by the way, would not have made our debt smaller). It’s a call for consistency from anyone putting their good-government sensibilities on display.

Those sounding the loudest alarms last week are largely silent on the countless occasions when Congress ignores its own budgetary rules.