The West Declares War on Itself

by J.B. Shurk American Thinker

For Americans who cherish self-government, free speech, and personal liberty, the reality of today’s America is jolting. How can Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Barack Obama’s FBI, and an assortment of sordid Intelligence Community actors conspire to frame Donald Trump as a Russian spy in a veritable coup d’état without suffering any legal consequences? How can the IRS target Americans for their political viewpoints and be rewarded with bigger budgets and more armed agents? How can the FBI illegally spy on a presidential campaign, target parents concerned over the content of their children’s public education, and label half of America “extremists,” and not be disbanded? How can the Department of (in)Justice seek to punish Americans’ speech and religious faith as impermissible expressions of “hate” and deprive Americans of their Second Amendment protections without being immediately defunded as a threat to the Bill of Rights? How can the State Department lecture regimes around the world about violently quelling political dissent and violating human rights when thousands of Americans who protested for fair elections have been persecuted as “insurrectionists,” denied impartial justice, and imprisoned for having “incorrect” beliefs? These are not the actions of any “free” nation and are shockingly antithetical to America’s foundations in liberty.