Trump at the Gates

by J. Robert Smith American Thinker

A few days ago, we heard from William Barr, D.C. lifer, former attorney general of the United States, and elections savant. Barr made a prediction about Trump’s fate, via Fox News and the Murdochs, who hate the former president with a passion. Or, at least, Fox board member and quisling, Paul Ryan, does. How outsized Ryan’s influence is on the Murdochs is anyone’s guess. Or, since Ryan is so spineless, maybe it’s the other way around.

Bill Barr is less a savant than a channeler of D.C. conventional wisdom. Here’s Barr parroting his D.C. chums, from Fox News, April 9:

“I think ultimately the savvy Democratic strategists know [the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office probe] is going to help Trump, and they want him to be the nominee because he is the weakest of the Republican candidates, the most likely to lose again to Biden,” Barr said on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday.

Where to start unpacking Barr’s stupidity? Or rather D.C.’s stupidity, which abounds. D.C. is an echo chamber and all they do is talk among themselves and run with whatever line emerges.