Unnatural Origins of Covid and Its Variants

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org

Covid and Its Variants are Laboratory Creations

On September 4, I reported that Japanese scientists had examined Covid and its variants and found that all are Laboratory creations. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2023/09/04/japanese-scientists-find-that-covid-19-and-all-of-the-variants-are-laboratory-creations/ This discovery raises the dangerous and disturbing question why a laboratory is producing viruses with which to infect humans.

I contacted a scientist who had been involved in the study of the original SARS for his evaluation and explanation of the Japanese scientists’ report. His explanation is below. It is challenging for non-professionals to follow, but less so than the Japanese study itself. As I understand the findings, it is the absence of synonymous mutations in the variants that reveal that Covid and its variants are lab creations.