Why Are Thousands of Chinese Men Suddenly “Migrating” Across Our Southern Border?

by Michael Snyder End of the American Dream

Vast numbers of Chinese citizens are illegally crossing our border with Mexico. The U.S. Border Patrol is able to apprehend some of them, but thanks to the Biden administration once they are processed most of them are given “notices to appear” and are then freely released into our communities. That means that they are running around without any supervision whatsoever. As you will see in the videos that I have posted in this article, men make up the overwhelming majority of the Chinese citizens that are “migrating” across our southern border, and almost all of those men are of military age. In some cases, these men are paying human smugglers as much as $35,000 to get them into Texas. So either those men are independently wealthy, or someone else is providing that money. Unfortunately, most Americans don’t even realize that this is happening, because Fox News is the only major news network that is giving much attention to this crisis.

For years, many of us have been warning that the lack of security on our southern border is a major national security threat.