Why the U.S. is Broke… Your Tax Dollars at ‘Work’

by Paul E. Scates American Thinker

A November 22 article on the Judicial Watch website reveals exactly why the U.S. is over $30 trillion in debt. Sadly, Judicial Watch had to file a Freedom of Information request to obtain the 25 pages of information on this project.

Remember the giant yellow “BLM” that was painted on the street near the White House after the June 2020 BLM riots? Apparently, the geniuses in the Department of Transportation (led by World Economic Forum Young Global Leader Pete Buttigieg) thought it needed to be spruced up. Aside from it being egregious and outrageous to support the race-baiting grifter organization, the price of this project should make even the most ardent big-government supporter cringe.

A purchase order dated September 15, 2023, shows that a vendor charged U.S. taxpayers over $53,000 for “supplies” to repaint the street. Now, granted, the 50-ft tall letters require a lot of paint…but over $50 grand?!? You or I could go to our local Home Depot or Lowes and buy enough paint and brushes, etc., to do the job for a tenth of that cost, easily. But hang onto your hat because that’s not even the worst of this boondoggle.